Poseidon holding his trident
Officially, Poseidon was married with Amphitrite with whom he lived in his palace which was located in the sea. Poseidon and Aphitrite had one son called Triton who was half a man and half a fish. However, Poseidon used to be a women pursuer, just like his brother Zeus. His love affairs resulted to the birth of new children.
Illegal love affairs
The illegal couplings of Poseidon include that with his sister, Demeter. A horse was born by the goddess after that mating which was named Arion. Poseidon was said to have been planning to offer Demeter a dolphin that would symbolize his love for her. Yet, he decided to offer the dolphin to Amphitrite in order to avoid her jealousy. After that, he had to deal with Demeter’s anger, who had lost her gift, so Poseidon was obliged to do something special for her. He was trying again and again to create a very beautiful creature but he made several unsuccessful tries which resulted in a donkey, then a camel, a giraffe, an hippopotamus and a zebra. Finally, he created a very beautiful horse for Demeter who was impressed by the gift and forgave him.
Apart from Demeter, Poseidon was engaged in a love affair with Iphimedeia. However, in that case it was Iphimedeia who had fallen in love with Poseidon and chased him. She wanted to couple with the God and give birth to his children, so she used to dive in the sea in order to meet him. Poseidon transformed himself to a river (Enipeus river) and appeared to Iphimedeia with whom he fathered two giants named Otos and Ephialtes.
A gorgon named Medusa was also a mistress of Poseidon and they gave birth to Pegasus, the winged horse, who sprouted out Medusa’s head along with Chrysaor when Perseus cut her head.
Poseidon had also coupled with the goddess Aphrodite and their son was the king of Sicily, Erykas.
The lord of the Sea
As the lord of the Sea, he had a palace in it but he also shared the palace of Olympus with his brothers. What is more, he was considered to be the God who ruled the earthquake, often named as “earth-shaker”. According to the ancient Greeks, when Poseidon was angry, he thumped his trident on the ground and this caused earthquakes and huge waves. His mood affected the sea and when it was waved they used to accredit it to the hot tempered Poseidon. At the same time, he was the God who protected fishermen, so sacrifices were made to him by sailors before their voyages in order to gain Poseidon’s grace for a safe voyage. Travelers had also to offer Poseidon sacrifices so as to ensure a safe journey.

Theseus killing the Minotaur
Pasiphae asked the famous architect Daedalus to make a wooden cow for her, that she would use as a decoy to fool the bull in order to make love with it. After this coupling, Pasiphae gave birth to a creature that had a bull’s head and tail as well as a human corps. I
n fact, it was a dangerous monster, named Minotaur. Minos was advised by Delpi Oracle to put the monster in a building from where it could not escape. Then, Minos asked Daedalus to construct a labyrinth and locked Minotaur in it.
However, Minotaur had to be fed with seven young men and seven young girls who were sent from Athens annually, after a tribute that had been made between Crete and Athens. The cause of the tribute derived from the death of Minos’s son, Androgeos who had been killed by Athenians after his success in the Panathinaea.
Minos made war against the Athenians in order to punish them and after his victory he obliged them to send the young people for the Minotaur.
The son of the King of Athens, Theseus, decided o be one of the fourteen youths that would be sent to Minotaur but he intended to kill the monster. He managed to do it as well as to escape from the labyrinth, assisted by Ariadne, Minos’s daughter who fell in love with him and gave him a clew that helped him find the way back to the exit of the labyrinth.